Wide Jaw

A wide jaw refers to a broader or more square-shaped jawline, which can impact facial harmony.

What is:

Wide Jaw

A wide jaw refers to a broader or more square-shaped jawline, which can impact facial harmony. Aesthetica Medical Spa offers specialised treatments to address a wide jaw, providing options for individuals seeking to achieve a more refined and balanced facial profile.

How to Treat: 

Wide Jaw

  • Anti-WrinkleJaw Slimming: Aesthetica employs Anti-Wrinkle injections strategically to relax the masseter muscles, reducing their size and creating a slimmer jawline appearance.
  • Dermal Fillers: In some cases, dermal fillers may be used to add volume strategically to areas around the jawline, achieving a softer and more contoured look.
  • Customised Treatment Plans: Aesthetica tailors wide jaw treatment plans to individual needs, considering the unique facial anatomy and the patient's desired outcomes. Personalised approaches contribute to enhanced and satisfying results.

Why Aesthetica?

  • Expertise in Facial Contouring: Aesthetica's skilled professionals specialise in facial aesthetics, possessing the expertise to address various concerns and deliver optimal outcomes for wide jaw treatments.
  • Advanced Injectables and Techniques: Utilising advanced injectables and techniques, Aesthetica ensures precise and effective results in reshaping the jawline, providing natural-looking enhancements.
  • Comprehensive Options: Aesthetica offers a range of options, including Anti-Winkleand dermal fillers, allowing for personalised choices to meet individual preferences and goals.
  • Safety and Patient Comfort: Aesthetica prioritises patient safety and comfort, adhering to strict medical protocols to create a secure and comfortable environment for wide jaw treatments.
  • Positive Client Experiences: Positive testimonials and documented before-and-after results highlight Aesthetica's success in achieving satisfying outcomes for wide jaw treatments, contributing to increased confidence and facial rejuvenation.

Treatments that can help with

Wide Jaw

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​Exeter Castle Castle Street, Exeter, EX43PU
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