Downward Smile

A downward smile, often referred to as a "frowning" or "drooping" smile, is characterised by a downturned appearance at the corners of the mouth. This facial feature can convey a sad or tired expression, impacting overall facial harmony.

What is:

Downward Smile

A downward smile, often referred to as a "frowning" or "drooping" smile, is characterised by a downturned appearance at the corners of the mouth. This facial feature can convey a sad or tired expression, impacting overall facial harmony. Aesthetica Medical Spa specialises in addressing downward smiles to create a more uplifting and aesthetically pleasing facial expression.

How to Treat: 

Downward Smile

  • Dermal Fillers for Lip Augmentation: Aesthetica employs dermal fillers to enhance and lift the lips, focusing on the corners of the mouth to counteract the downturned appearance. This non-invasive approach adds volume, subtly reversing the downward smile.
  • Lip Filler Injections: Lip Filler can be used to relax the muscles around the lips, minimising the appearance of lines. This non-surgical approach helps achieve a more rejuvenated and smoother lip contour.
  • RF microneelding: Powerful dual action Radio frequency microneedling tightens and rejuvenates skin by stimulating collagen production, addressing the downward turn of the smile through skin tightening effects.
  • RF skin tightening: Non invasive Radio frequency skin tightening enhances collagen production, reducing sagging and addressing the downward turn of the smile by promoting firmness and elasticity.
  • HIFU: Aesthetica Medical Spa offers High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment is used for skin tightening. It uses ultrasound energy to encourage the production of collagen, which results in firmer skin.
  • Anti-Wrinkle for Muscle Relaxation: Anti-wrinkle injections may be used strategically to relax specific muscles around the mouth, reducing the downward pull and creating a more relaxed and uplifted smile.
  • Thread Lifts for Facial Rejuvenation: Thread lift procedures to lift and rejuvenate facial tissues, including the areas around the mouth. This technique contributes to a more youthful and elevated smile.
  • Customised Treatment Plans: Aesthetica tailors treatment plans based on individual facial anatomy and desired outcomes. This personalised approach ensures natural-looking results that align with the patient's unique features.

Why Aesthetica?

  • Expertise in Facial Aesthetics: Aesthetica Medical Spa specialises in facial aesthetics, including the treatment of downward smiles. The spa's professionals possess a deep understanding of facial anatomy and expressions.
  • Non-Invasive Solutions: Aesthetica prioritizes non-invasive solutions for downward smiles, providing alternatives to surgical procedures. Dermal fillers, Botox, and thread lifts offer effective results with minimal downtime.
  • Artistic Approach to Facial Rejuvenation: Aesthetica takes an artistic approach to facial rejuvenation, focusing on achieving balance and harmony in facial features. The goal is to enhance natural beauty while addressing specific concerns such as a downward smile.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Aesthetica Medical Spa is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that patients receive treatments using the latest technologies and techniques for optimal results.
  • Patient-Centric Care: Aesthetica values patient input and preferences, involving individuals in the decision-making process to tailor treatments according to their expectations and goals.

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For enquiries or to book an appointment, please reach out to us.

​Exeter Castle Castle Street, Exeter, EX43PU
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