Love Handles

Love handles refer to the excess fat deposits that accumulate around the sides and waistline, often creating a bulging appearance

What is:

Love Handles

Love handles refer to the excess fat deposits that accumulate around the sides and waistline, often creating a bulging appearance. These areas are commonly resistant to diet and exercise, making them a common concern for individuals seeking a more sculpted physique.

How to Treat: 

Love Handles

  • Body Contouring Treatments: Aesthetica Medical Spa offers advanced body contouring procedures, such as cryolipolysis (fat freezing) and emsculpt to target and reduce excess fat in the love handle area.
  • Diet and Exercise Plans: Aesthetica emphasises holistic wellness, providing customised diet and exercise plans to support overall health and target stubborn fat deposits in the love handle region.
  • Non-Invasive Fat Reduction: Procedures like radiofrequency therapy and cavitation can target and reduce love handles without the need for surgery, promoting a smoother and more contoured appearance.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Lifestyle changes, including stress management and sufficient sleep, can contribute to overall well-being and may help prevent the accumulation of love handles.

Why Aesthetica?

  • Expertise in Body Contouring: Aesthetica's skilled professionals specialise in body contouring treatments, offering expertise in addressing love handles and reshaping the body.
  • Customised Treatment Plans: Tailored treatment plans are designed to meet individual needs, combining various approaches for a personalised and effective solution to love handles.
  • Cutting-Edge Technologies: Aesthetica utilises state-of-the-art technologies, including non-invasive fat reduction procedures, to provide innovative and efficient solutions for love handles.
  • Patient-Centric Care: Individualised consultations focus on patient concerns, ensuring clear communication and customised treatment plans for optimal love handle reduction results.
  • Luxurious Environment: A spa-like atmosphere enhances the treatment experience, offering a serene and comfortable setting for individuals seeking love handle reduction solutions.
  • Safety and Hygiene Standards: Aesthetica adheres to strict medical protocols, ensuring a clean and safe environment. All procedures are performed by licensed professionals.
  • Positive Client Experiences: Positive testimonials and documented before-and-after results showcase Aesthetica's success in love handle reduction, building trust among clients.
  • Holistic Wellness Approach: Aesthetica not only focuses on reducing love handles but also promotes overall wellness through lifestyle and health guidance, supporting long-term results.

Embark on your journey to reduce love handles and achieve a more sculpted physique at Aesthetica Medical Spa, where expertise, innovation, and patient-centric care converge for visible and lasting results.

Here to help

Contact Aesthetica

For enquiries or to book an appointment, please reach out to us.

​Exeter Castle Castle Street, Exeter, EX43PU
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