Temple Hollowing

Temple hollowing refers to the loss of volume and a sunken appearance in the temple area of the face. This natural aging process can result in a gaunt and tired look.

What is:

Temple Hollowing

Temple hollowing refers to the loss of volume and a sunken appearance in the temple area of the face. This natural aging process can result in a gaunt and tired look. Aesthetica Medical Spa specialises in addressing temple hollowing to restore volume and create a more youthful and harmonious facial contour.

How to Treat: 

Temple Hollowing

  • Dermal Fillers: Aesthetica employs dermal fillers to enhance and lift the lips, focusing on the hollow temples.. This non-invasive approach adds volume, subtly reversing the Temple Hollowing.
  • Personalised Treatment Plans: Each individual's facial anatomy is unique, and Aesthetica tailors treatment plans accordingly. Personalisation ensures that the temple hollowing treatment aligns with the patient's goals and desired outcomes.

Why Aesthetica?

  • Expertise in Facial Aesthetics: Aesthetica Medical Spa is renowned for its expertise in facial aesthetics, with a team of skilled professionals who specialise in addressing various facial concerns, including temple hollowing.
  • Natural-Looking Results: Aesthetica focuses on achieving natural-looking results, emphasising facial harmony and balance. The goal is to restore volume to the temples in a way that enhances overall facial aesthetics while maintaining a natural appearance.
  • Advanced Filler Techniques: Aesthetica stays at the forefront of cosmetic advancements and utilises advanced filler techniques to ensure optimal results. This includes the use of innovative fillers that provide both immediate and long-term improvements.
  • Client-Centric Approach: Aesthetica values open communication with clients, involving them in the decision-making process. The spa prioritises client preferences, ensuring that the temple hollowing treatment aligns with individual goals and

Here to help

Contact Aesthetica

For enquiries or to book an appointment, please reach out to us.

​Exeter Castle Castle Street, Exeter, EX43PU
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